Ecclesia- The real Church of God.


# "Ecclesia Unveiled:

Embracing Our Divine Calling and Purpose as the Church"

## Ecclesia - The Greek Word for Church.

In the tapestry of faith, woven with threads of ancient wisdom and divine purpose, there lies a term, Ecclesia, which beckons us closer. It's more than just a word; it's a calling, a gathering, and a profound revelation of what it means to be the Church. As we embark on this exploration together, we delve into the rich, layered significance of Ecclesia, uncovering its essence and how it shapes our journey from darkness into marvellous light. Join us as we peel back the layers, revealing the heart of what it means to be called out ones, united in purpose and spirit.

## The Meaning of Ecclesia.

At its core, Ecclesia captures the essence of community and divine calling. It's not merely about assembling within four walls; it's about being a congregation summoned by God Himself. This calling out from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light is a transformational journey, marking us as God's own, destined to reflect His brilliance in every aspect of our lives. As we grasp the depth of Ecclesia, we come to understand our role in God's grand design, a vibrant tapestry of believers intertwined in faith and purpose.

## Evangelism and Reaching Out to the Lost.

Our journey as the called-out ones charges us with a profound mission—evangelism. We're entrusted with the task of reaching out to the lost, extending the same invitation we once received into the Kingdom of Light. This mission isn't just for a select few; it's a collective effort, a hallmark of our identity in Christ. We're called to develop our stories and gospel presentations, not merely as an act of obedience but as an expression of our deepest gratitude for what God has done in our lives.

## Communion with God and Breaking of Bread.

Communion represents our intimate fellowship with God, a sacred moment where we're reminded of our covenant through Christ's sacrifice. This act of breaking bread, both literally and metaphorically, unites us as a community, bound by our shared testimony and commitment to follow Jesus. It's a powerful declaration of faith, inviting us into deeper waters of trust and devotion, where we find ourselves truly known and loved by our Creator.

## Community and Fellowship.

The strength of Ecclesia lies in our togetherness. We're called to come together, stay together, and work together, fostering a community where every believer feels valued, supported, and connected. This unity isn't superficial; it's rooted in genuine love and commitment to one another. By investing our time, energy, and hearts into building this fellowship, we create a sanctuary of faith that stands resilient in the face of trials and tribulations.

## Love through Praise, and Obedience to God.

Our response to God's overwhelming love is a life marked by praise, worship, and obedience. Love is the glue that holds us together, enabling us to exhibit patience and forgiveness towards one another. This journey of love begins with God and flows outward, touching every aspect of our lives. As we lift our voices in praise and submit our wills in obedience, we become a living testament to the transformative power of God's love.

## Edifying and Strengthening One Another.

To edify is to build up, and in Ecclesia, we're committed to fortifying each other's faith. Through encouragement, teaching, and shared experiences, we help one another grow in spiritual maturity and understanding. This edification isn't a solitary endeavour; it's a mutual exchange, where we each bring our unique gifts and insights, contributing to the collective strength and resilience of our community.

## Standing Firm as Tent Pegs in the Kingdom of God.

Just as tent pegs secure a canopy against the wind, we're called to stand firm in our faith, anchoring our community in the unshakeable truth of God's word. This imagery reminds us of our responsibility to be steadfast and reliable, providing stability and support for one another. Our collective strength enables us to withstand the challenges and temptations that come our way, holding fast to our divine calling.

## Intercession and Praying for Others.

Intercession is a vital expression of our faith, reflecting Christ's own ministry on our behalf. As we intercede for others, we stand in the gap, lifting their needs before God and contending for their breakthroughs. This selfless act of prayer is a powerful demonstration of love, empowering us to impact lives and circumstances through our petitions and faith.

##Apostles Doctrine.

As we journey through the multifaceted dimensions of Ecclesia, we're reminded of our divine calling and purpose. This exploration invites us into a deeper, more intentional walk with God, where we embrace our identity as the called-out ones. Let us move forward in unity, love, and dedication, fulfilling our role in God's extraordinary plan for humanity.

The teaching that comes from the experienced master builder of Churches known as an Apostle leads us into a life grounded on the foundation of Christ Jesus. These teachings derived from years of Church planting and congregation development create the stability that is so often missing in modern-day life.

## The Meaning of Ecclesia.

At its very heart, Ecclesia signifies more than just a gathering; it embodies a divine summons to unity and purpose. This is not about the mere act of assembling within the confines of a physical space. Rather, it is about being a congregation handpicked by the Almighty, transitioning from the shadows of the Kingdom of Darkness into the radiant embrace of the Kingdom of Light.

Through understanding the profound depth of Ecclesia, we start to see ourselves as integral threads in God's magnificent tapestry, called to live out a destiny that shines His light in every corner of our existence. It's a revelation that transforms, highlighting our role in a narrative much grander than ourselves, binding us together in faith and purpose.

### A Community Bound by Divine Calling.

Ecclesia brings to life the concept of community, underscored by a divine calling that echoes through the ages. This calling isn't an echo fading into the distance; it's a clarion call that gathers us, moulds us, and sends us forth, illuminated by His majesty. The beauty of Ecclesia lies in its ability to transcend mere physical gatherings, fostering a spiritual fellowship that roots us in a shared journey towards light and truth.

It reminds us that we are not solitary pilgrims on this path but part of a vast, interconnected body of believers, each with a unique role yet united in a common, divine purpose. This realization empowers us, urging us to embrace our collective identity and pursue our heavenly calling with zeal and fervour.

### The Journey from Darkness to Light.

The metaphor of moving from darkness into light beautifully encapsulates the essence of Ecclesia. It's a transition that speaks of awakening, of eyes opening to a dawn filled with promise and hope. This journey is not just a personal pilgrimage but a communal voyage, where we, as the called-out ones, navigate the challenges and triumphs of faith together.

It signifies a profound transformation, where our lives become beacons of His glory, guiding others to the safety and love found in the Kingdom of Light. This aspect of Ecclesia challenges us to reflect on our own experiences of grace and redemption, encouraging us to live out this transformation in tangible, impactful ways within our communities and beyond.

### Intertwined in Faith and Purpose.

Understanding Ecclesia compels us to recognize the intricate weaving of our lives into a broader, divine narrative. Our individual stories, with all their twists and turns, are part of a larger story of redemption and grace. As we delve deeper into the meaning of Ecclesia, we uncover a call to unity—a unity that goes beyond superficial ties, bonding us at the very core of our spiritual journey.

This unity is our strength, enabling us to face adversities, celebrate victories, and navigate the complexities of life with unwavering faith. It beckons us to lean into our collective purpose, to support and uplift each other, and to forge a path that leads not only to personal growth but to the advancement of God's kingdom on earth. Through Ecclesia, we discover that our calling is not just about individual enlightenment but about contributing to a greater, communal tapestry of faith, hope, and love.

## Evangelism and Reaching Out to the Lost.

In our walk with Christ, evangelism stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path for those wandering in shadows. It's not just an assignment for the few but a collective calling that vibrates through the heartstrings of our Ecclesia. We are ambassadors of light, tasked with the sacred duty of extending a hand to those ensnared by darkness.

This mission transcends mere words; it's an outpouring of the grace we've so abundantly received. It's about embodying the Gospel in our actions, conversations, and very presence, making the love of God tangible to every soul we encounter.

- *Personal Testimonies: * Sharing our journey of faith serves as a powerful tool in evangelism. Our stories are unique, imbued with struggles and triumphs that resonate on a personal level. When we open up about our own encounters with God's transformative love, it can break down walls and sow seeds of hope in the hearts of listeners.

- *Gospel Presentations: * Developing a clear and compelling presentation of the Gospel is crucial. It's about distilling the profound truths of God's redemption plan into accessible and relatable language. This doesn't mean watering down the message but rather conveying it with clarity and empathy, meeting people right where they are.

- *Community Engagement: * Evangelism thrives in the soil of genuine community interaction. It's about stepping beyond the church walls and into the streets, meeting people in their places of need, and offering not just spiritual hope but practical acts of love. Whether it's through community service, social justice initiatives, or simply being a consistent presence in someone's life, these actions speak volumes of the Kingdom we represent.

Our endeavour to reach the lost is not a solitary pilgrimage but a communal voyage. Together, we navigate the complexities of human hearts, armed with the unchanging truth of the Gospel and the invincible love of our Savior. As we venture forth, let us be mindful that every encounter is a divine appointment, an opportunity to reflect the light of Christ. Let's embrace this calling with zeal, for in doing so, we partake in the unfolding of God's grand narrative of redemption.

## Communion with God and Breaking of Bread.

Communion with God and the act of breaking bread together hold a central place in our journey as members of Ecclesia. This sacred tradition is far more than a mere ritual; it's a deeply personal encounter with the divine, a moment where heaven touches earth and we, in turn, touch the very heart of God. When we partake in communion, we're not only reminded of the sacrifice made for us, but we're also invited into an intimate fellowship with the Creator. This breaking of bread is a powerful symbol of our unity with Christ and with each other, weaving us together in a bond of shared faith and mutual love.

1. **A Reminder of Our Covenant**: Every time we partake of the bread and wine, we remember the new covenant made through Jesus' sacrifice. This act brings us back to the core of our faith, renewing our commitment to follow Christ and live out His commandments.

2. **Unity Among Believers**: Communion is a unifying act that transcends denominational lines and cultural differences. Through it, we recognize our oneness in Christ, celebrating our diversity while embracing the unity of our shared faith.

3. **Spiritual Nourishment**: Just as physical food sustains our bodies, the spiritual nourishment we receive from communion fortifies our souls. It's a time of reflection, thanksgiving, and deep spiritual renewal that sustains us through life's challenges.

4. **A Call to Self-Examination**: The act of breaking bread calls us to pause and examine our hearts, encouraging us to confess and repent of our sins. It's a moment of humility and vulnerability before God, where we are cleansed and made whole once again.

As we continue to gather around the table, breaking bread from house to house and in our places of worship, let us do so with a profound sense of gratitude and expectation. Let each communion be an opportunity to deepen our connection with God and with one another, reinforcing the beautiful tapestry of fellowship that defines us as Ecclesia.

This tradition isn't just an act we perform; it's a declaration of faith, a testament to God's enduring love, and a reminder of the incredible journey we're on together, from darkness into His marvellous light.

## Community and Fellowship.

**The strength of Ecclesia is truly found in the bonds we forge together**, creating a community where every believer feels deeply connected, valued, and understood. It's in this coming together, staying connected, and working side-by-side that we find the true essence of fellowship. This unity isn't just an ideal to strive for; it's the very heartbeat of our faith, pulsing with the love and life of Christ who unites us all. When we invest in building this community, we're not just forming friendships; we're crafting a family that stands strong in faith and love.

In our journey of faith, it's crucial that we not only gather on Sundays but also spend time with each other outside of those designated worship times. **By sharing moments and making memories, we weave a tapestry of relationships that can withstand the strains and stresses of life. ** Whether it's through small group meetings, informal gatherings, or simply breaking bread in our homes, these interactions are the threads that strengthen the fabric of our community. They help us to understand one another's struggles and triumphs, fostering empathy and compassion that bind us even closer.

Our commitment to one another mirrors the early church's dedication, as described in the Acts of the Apostles. **They understood that togetherness was not just about proximity but about sharing life in its entirety. ** This sharing went beyond material possessions to include joys, burdens, and the mundane moments in between. It's in these shared experiences that we find the strength to support one another during challenging times, celebrating each victory as our own. Our unity is our testimony, showcasing the love of Christ to a world in desperate need of hope and connection.

As we strive to build this community and fellowship, let's remember the importance of intentional engagement and genuine love. **It's through our authentic connections that we create a welcoming haven for all who seek refuge and belonging. ** Let us be diligent in nurturing these relationships, always ready to extend a hand of friendship, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand. In doing so, we not only fulfil our calling as the Ecclesia but also reflect the very character of God, who calls us His own and invites us into an eternal family bound by love.

## Love through Praise, and Obedience to God.

In our journey of faith, the principles of love, praise, and obedience to God form the bedrock of our existence as part of the Ecclesia. It's through these acts that we truly manifest our identity as the called-out ones, living testimonials of God's unending grace and transformative power. Let's delve deeper into how these elements intertwine, creating a harmonious symphony that celebrates our divine relationship with the Creator.

### Love: The Glue That Binds Us.

Love is the very essence of our faith, a divine attribute that God not only possesses but is. As members of Ecclesia, we're called to emulate this love, allowing it to permeate every interaction and decision. Love acts as the glue that binds us together, creating a strong, cohesive community resilient in the face of adversity.

It teaches us patience, fosters forgiveness, and encourages us to look beyond our needs, focusing on the well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our journey towards loving like God starts with understanding His love for us—a love so profound that it redeems, restores, and renews.

### Praise: Our Heart's Response to God's Magnificence.

Praise is our heart's natural response to recognizing God's magnificence and benevolence. When we gather in praise, whether in the solitude of our rooms or the collective energy of our assemblies, we acknowledge His lordship over our lives. Praise goes beyond mere words or songs; it's an expression of our awe, gratitude, and devotion.

It's in these moments of praise that we often feel closest to God, enveloped in His presence, and reassured of His promises. Praise realigns our hearts and minds with His purposes, serving as a reminder of His sovereignty and our place in His grand design.

### Obedience: The Pathway to True Freedom.

Obedience to God might seem like a paradox to those looking in from the outside. How can submission lead to freedom? Yet, as we walk this path of faith, we discover that obedience to God's commands is not a burdensome yoke but a source of liberation. Through obedience, we learn to trust in His plans, relinquish control, and embrace the peace that comes from knowing we're in the hands of the Almighty.

It's a journey that requires humility, perseverance, and a willing heart, but the rewards are eternal. Obedience strengthens our relationship with God, deepens our faith, and aligns our lives with His will, leading us to the abundant life Jesus promised.

### The Symphony of Our Souls.

When love, praise, and obedience intertwine, they create a symphony that resonates through every aspect of our lives. This symphony isn't just for our personal edification but serves as a beacon of hope and a testament to God's love and power to those around us.

It's through living out these principles that we become light in the darkness, salt of the earth, and a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. Our lives, transformed by love, devoted in praise, and guided by obedience, speak volumes of the God we serve, inviting others into this glorious journey.

### Moving Forward in Unity.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of life, let us cling to love, elevate our praise, and deepen our obedience to God. These are not just ideals to aspire to; they are the very essence of our calling as the Ecclesia. By embodying these principles, we not only grow closer to God but also to one another, forging a community marked by divine love, mutual support, and unwavering faith.

Let us move forward in unity, love, and dedication, fulfilling our role in God's extraordinary plan for humanity. Together, we can stand as a testament to the world of the transformative power of living in relationship with our Creator.

## Edifying and Strengthening One Another.

In our journey as the Ecclesia, the called-out ones, one of our most beautiful responsibilities is to edify and strengthen one another. This isn't just about offering kind words during tough times; it's about actively contributing to the spiritual growth and resilience of our community.

We are builders, each of us holding a metaphorical trowel in one hand and the Word of God in the other, working diligently to fortify the faith of our brothers and sisters. It's a divine collaboration, where our shared experiences, insights, and encouragements become the mortar that strengthens the edifice of our faith.

- **Share Personal Testimonies: ** Every story of triumph, every account of grace, adds to our collective strength. When we share how we've overcome through faith, we not only glorify God but also embolden others to trust Him in their battles.

- **Offer Spiritual Insights: ** Whether through formal teaching or casual conversation, imparting biblical wisdom helps illuminate the path for others. These insights, grounded in scripture, can be the very revelation someone needs to step into a fuller understanding of their purpose in Christ.

- **Pray for One Another: ** Prayer is the powerhouse of the church. By interceding for each other, we wield spiritual authority, breaking chains and lifting burdens. It's in these moments of heartfelt prayer that we often see the most profound growth and breakthroughs.

- **Encourage Active Participation: ** Every member of the Ecclesia has unique gifts meant to build up the body of Christ. By encouraging one another to step out in faith and utilize these gifts, we foster a vibrant, dynamic community where everyone contributes to the Kingdom's work.

The process of edification is a journey of vulnerability, humility, and mutual respect. It's about recognizing the divine spark within each of us and fanning it into flame. As we commit to strengthening one another, we not only witness individual transformations but also fortify the very foundations of our collective faith.

This act of building up is not a task we undertake lightly—it's a sacred duty, entrusted to us by God, to care for the spiritual well-being of our family in faith. Through this, we become not just a community but a beacon of hope and a testament to the transformative power of God's love.

Let's embrace this calling with both hands, eager to see how our collective efforts will shape the future of our Ecclesia.

## Standing Firm as Tent Pegs in the Kingdom of God.

In our journey as the Ecclesia, the called-out ones, we find ourselves in the midst of a world that often seems like a tempest, full of shifting winds and uncertain terrain. In these moments, the imagery of standing firm as tent pegs in the Kingdom of God acquires profound significance.

Much like tent pegs driven deep into the ground to secure a canopy against gusts of wind, we are called to anchor ourselves in the unyielding truth and strength of God's Word. This steadfastness isn't merely for our own stability but serves as a support and assurance for those around us, demonstrating the collective resilience of our faith community.

The act of standing firm, as described in Ephesians 6:13, challenges us to "take up the whole armour of God," equipping ourselves with faith, truth, righteousness, and the Gospel of peace. This armour doesn't just protect us; it empowers us to withstand the 'evil day' – those times when our faith is tested by trials, doubts, or adversity.

Our perseverance becomes a beacon of hope and a testament to the sustaining power of God's presence in our lives. As we endure, driven into the foundation of Christ's love and grace, our individual acts of faithfulness contribute to the strength and stability of the entire Ecclesia.

Our role as tent pegs extends beyond personal steadfastness; it calls for a communal effort where every believer plays a crucial part. Leaders are likened to these tent pegs, bearing the weight and responsibility of guiding and safeguarding the flock. However, this responsibility doesn't rest solely on the shoulders of a few; it's a shared calling that invites each one of us to offer support, encouragement, and accountability to one another.

When there are many tent pegs, firmly planted and united in purpose, the job of upholding the canopy of God's kingdom becomes much easier, and our collective witness grows stronger.

In this endeavour, we must also recognize the importance of being driven into the ground by "many blows from the hammer." These blows represent the trials and tribulations we face, each one a tool used by God to embed us deeper into the soil of His kingdom.

It's through these experiences that our faith is refined, our reliance on God is solidified, and our capacity to stand firm is enhanced. The process may be challenging, yet it's essential for our growth and for the fortification of the Ecclesia as a whole.

Therefore, as we embrace our calling to stand firm as tent pegs in the Kingdom of God, let us do so with courage, faith, and a steadfast commitment to supporting one another. Let's bear the weight of the canopy together, ensuring that our spiritual community remains a place of refuge, strength, and unwavering faith.

Through our collective perseverance, we uphold not just the structure of our faith community but also the very essence of our mission as the Ecclesia – to be a light in the darkness, guiding others into the marvellous light of God's eternal kingdom.

## Intercession and Praying for Others.

Intercession is a vital expression of our faith, reflecting Christ's own ministry on our behalf. As we intercede for others, we stand in the gap, lifting their needs before God and contending for their breakthroughs. This selfless act of prayer is a powerful demonstration of love, empowering us to impact lives and circumstances through our petitions and faith.

Mature Christians spend most of their prayer time, praying for the needs of others. Raising up a protective shield around those who so far are unable to protect themselves.

Intercession involves both standing between the enemy and that person to protect them and standing on their behalf in the court room of heaven asking of the Lord to provide and protect.

##Apostles Doctrine.

###Foundational teaching.

Ephesians 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.

The Ecclesia was intended to be founded upon the ministry of the Apostle and Prophet, who bring foundational teaching to establish new Church congregations in their faith and lifestyle.

###Pulling down strongholds.

Whenever a Church is being planted, it requires the indigenous religion of that area to be overcome, so the people will convert from their original religion to Christianity. The Apostle and the Prophet working together have been given the gifts, ability and strength to accomplish this cleansing of the spiritual atmosphere of demonic spirits masquerading as Gods.

If this cleansing is not achieved, any new Church will grow being polluted by the beliefs of the previous religion.

###Training and sending of missionaries.

The planting of Churches should be a continuous and progressing activity of all Churches, especially when that Church is led by an Apostle. The Apostolic ministry will be continually training and sending people into the mission field.

Expanding into new areas, new people groups has been taking place for over 2 thousand years and should continue until the end of the age.

## Conclusion.

In our exploration of Ecclesia, we've journeyed through the profound depths of what it means to be the Church - a divine calling that transforms us from individuals into a unified body of believers. From understanding the true essence of Ecclesia to embracing our roles in evangelism, communion, and fellowship, we've uncovered the layers that define our identity in Christ.

We've learned that love, praise, and obedience to God are the cornerstones of our existence, while edifying one another strengthens the fabric of our community. Standing firm, like tent pegs in the Kingdom of God, we hold steadfast in our faith, providing support and stability to one another. Through intercession, we extend our hands in prayer, embodying the very heart of Christ's ministry.

As we move forward, let us carry these insights close to our hearts, nurturing our unity, love, and dedication. Our journey as the Ecclesia is ongoing, a beautiful, challenging, and rewarding path that we walk together. Let us step boldly into our divine calling, fulfilling our purpose in God's extraordinary plan for humanity, and shining His light into every corner of the world. Together, as the called-out ones, we embody the true spirit of the Church, navigating from darkness into His marvellous light.

## FAQ.

### FAQ.

**What is the meaning of Ecclesia? **

Ecclesia is a term that transcends the simple idea of a building where believers gather. It embodies the concept of a community called out by God; a congregation destined to journey from darkness into the Kingdom of Light. It signifies a collective transformation and a divine calling that underpins our identity as believers.

**How does Ecclesia relate to evangelism? **

Being part of Ecclesia charges us with the mission of evangelism. It's our collective responsibility to reach out to the lost, sharing the life-changing invitation we've received to join the Kingdom of Light. Evangelism is an act of gratitude, an expression of our deep appreciation for God's work in our lives, involving every believer in the spread of the Gospel.

**What does communion signify in the context of Ecclesia? **

Communion is our intimate connection with God, symbolized through the act of breaking bread. It's a moment that binds the community together, reminding us of our covenant with Christ and our shared journey in faith. This sacred practice invites us into a deeper relationship with our Creator, where we are fully known and loved.

**Why is building community important in Ecclesia? **

The strength of Ecclesia is found in our unity. Building community fosters a space where believers feel supported, valued, and connected. This togetherness, rooted in love and commitment, creates a resilient sanctuary of faith capable of withstanding life's challenges, emphasizing the importance of genuine fellowship among believers.

**What role does love play in Ecclesia? **

Love is the cornerstone of Ecclesia, guiding us to live lives marked by praise, worship, and obedience to God. It inspires us to exhibit patience, forgiveness, and kindness, creating a cycle of love that begins with God and extends to every aspect of our lives. Love binds us together, enabling us to reflect God's grace and mercy to the world.

**How do we edify and strengthen one another in Ecclesia? **

In Ecclesia, edification involves mutual encouragement, teaching, and sharing of experiences to foster spiritual growth and understanding. Each believer contributes their unique gifts and insights, helping to build up the faith and resilience of the community. This collaborative effort ensures that we all move towards spiritual maturity together.

**What does it mean to stand firm as tent pegs in the Kingdom of God? **

Standing firm as tent pegs symbolizes our role in providing stability and support within the Ecclesia. Just as tent pegs secure a tent against winds, our steadfast faith and reliability anchor our community in the truth of God's word. This imagery highlights the importance of being dependable, supporting one another through life's trials.

**Why is intercession important in Ecclesia? **

Intercession reflects Christ's ministry of praying on our behalf, showing our love and concern for others by lifting their needs before God. It's a powerful means of impacting lives and circumstances, affirming our commitment to stand in the gap for those in need. Through intercession, we demonstrate the love of Christ, praying for breakthroughs and blessings for others.

As we explore the multifaceted meaning of Ecclesia, we're invited to embrace our divine calling with renewed dedication and purpose. This journey isn't just about understanding a term; it's about living out the profound implications of being God's called-out ones, united in His love and mission.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network