The 5 giants


5 Giants we all face.

We know King David faced Goliath with five stones in his pouch. Goliath had four brothers, and David had a stone for each of the five giants.

The 5 stones are 5 rhema words that could be released at the giants.

Ask for the rhema words we need to slay these five giants.

· Religion

· Pride

· Apathy

· Compromise

· Unbelief

  • Religion …means …back into bondage Having to live by countless rules and regulations to become acceptable to God.

John 10:10

The Lord is seeking to have a relationship with us, where we have close, intimate communication with Him, and now knowing His desires for our life, we gladly obey.

Rather than begrudgingly obeying a set of rules that we resent and can't see the reason for.

The Lord gave mankind freewill, and it is His desire that we decide to love Him and choose to come and spend time with Him.

Rhema word.

Galatians 5:1 amp It was for this freedom that Christ set us free [completely liberating us]; therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery [which you once removed].

We hear His voice, and therefore are led by His Spirit in every area of our life. The ultimate life coach, available 24 hours a day, who knows everything, and speaks our language and communicate precisely with us.

Having such a benefit of relationship with the creator of the universe, should enable us to live our lives to the full, whereas religion limits, restricts, and frustrates our desires to live life to the full.

10 Questions to ask of other religions: -

  • Do you have written evidence that your entrance was prophesied hundreds of years before it took place?
  • Do you have supernatural wisdom?
  • Do you have supernatural powers?
  • Do you have evidence of your historical accounts in archaeology, books, testimonies?
  • Are there testimonies of transformed lives amongst your followers?
  • What claims did your founder make that have since taken place?
  • Was your founder willing to give up his life on behalf of his followers?
  • Did your founder come back from the dead?
  • Is your founder still alive today?
  • Does your God still speak to His followers today?

Prayer – Father fill our hearts and mouths with your Rhema words and fill us with your spirit, so no-one can stand against our wisdom and spirit.

Pride … 

an excessively high opinion of oneself

Constantly conscious of one's own dignity

  • Prov 8 :13 God hates pride
  • Prov 16 :18 comes before destruction
  • Prov 29 :23 shall bring man low
  • 1 John 2 :16 is not of the Father
  • Psalm 138:6 the proud he knoweth afar off
  • Prov 15:25 Lord will destroy the house of the proud
  • 1 Tim 6:4 he is proud, knowing nothing

Unteachable, unwilling to listen or accept correction

Refuses help, determined to do it themselves.

This has the effect of stopping their growth and limits them to their own Capabilities.

Rhema word.

  • James 4:6 God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble.

Prayer – Father, grant us the grace to humble ourselves before your mighty hand and the wisdom to minister to those that are blinded by their own pride.



pathos … passion Apatheo .. lack of passion

  • Psalm 86:15 But thou, O lord, art a God full of compassion

  • Psalm 111: 4 the Lord is gracious and full of compassion
  • Psalm 112:4 he is gracious and full of compassion and righteous
  • Matthew 9:36 But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion
  • Matthew 14:14 and was moved with compassion toward them and healed their sick.
  • Matthew 15:32 I have compassion on the multitude

Rhema word.

  • 1 Peter 3:8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.

Prayer – Father, open the eyes of our understanding, so we can recognise how much you have done for us. Set our hearts on fire for the lost and hurting and anoint our hands and mouth, so we can effectively minister your love to them.


Rhema word.

  • Romans 12:2 and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Protestants were originally known as non-conformists, they would not conform to the religious way the church was being run, with many ceremonies, traditions, and practices that were Idolatry.

  • Galatians 5:11 And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? Then is the offence of the cross ceased.

Today within our culture there are many practices that are accepted as normal, that are not pleasing to our God.

Lying, stealing and blasphemy are commonplace.

  • 2 Timothy 3:12 Yea and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

When you start to stand up for Godly standards, then you will meet with resistance, within the world and at times within the church.

Prayer – Father, grant us the courage to stand against the standards of this present darkness, enable us to shine brightly in this dark world.

Unbelief       - 2 types: -

  • Ignorance of the truth … does not hear the truth
  • Denial of the truth … will not accept the truth

Unbelief stops Faith arising in the heart, and therefore blocks us from receiving any blessing from the Lord.

It causes fear to work in people's lives, because they do not believe that the Lord will protect them, provide for them, or heal them.

It is a form of idolatry, because you believe what someone else has said, rather than what God has said.

  • Hosea 4:6,7
  • My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
  • Because you have rejected knowledge,
  • I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
  • Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
  • I also will forget your children.
  • "The more they increased,
  • The more they sinned against Me;
  • I will change their glory into shame.

Rhema word.

  • John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

Prayer – Father, we ask that you grant us eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart that understands, so we can grow in our faith and drive all doubt and unbelief far away from us.

All these giants will at times work together and support each other in enslaving people.

There are other giants at work as well. Ask the Lord, and he will reveal them to you.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network