The 5 Spiritual giants we all face


# Confronting Our Giants:

Overcoming Spiritual Strongholds in the UK

## Religion.

In a world that often feels like it's spinning out of control, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the giants that tower over our society, casting long shadows over our collective spirit. In the UK, we're facing battles that aren't just physical but deeply spiritual. These battles manifest through ideologies that seek to shape our culture and influence our lives on a fundamental level.

Today, we're delving into the depths of these spiritual strongmen, exploring how they impact us and, most importantly, how we can overcome them. Join us as we confront the five giants, we all face: Religion, Pride, Apathy, Compromise, and Unbelief.

### Religion.

At first glance, religion may seem like a beacon of light, a guide through the stormy seas of life. However, there's a giant that masquerades under the guise of religion, one that seeks not to liberate but to enchain.

This giant drags us back into bondage, insisting we adhere to countless rules and regulations to be deemed acceptable. But here's the thing - it's a facade, a distortion of what true spiritual connection is meant to be.

The heart of the matter is relationship, not religion. A relationship with the divine isn't about ticking off a checklist of do's and don'ts; it's about intimate, open-hearted communication.

It's about knowing and being known. Galatians 5:1 (AMP) says it beautifully, "It was for this freedom that Christ set us free [completely liberating us]; therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery [which you once removed]."

Religion tells us we're never enough, that we must strive and toil for approval. Yet, the truth is, we are accepted because of what Jesus did for us, not based on what we do. Freedom awaits us—a freedom to live fully, deeply, authentically.

It's time we reject the chains of religion and embrace the liberating relationship that transforms our very essence, enabling us to live life to the fullest.

Join us in prayer as we seek the divine Rhema words that cast down the giant of Religion, filling our hearts with the spirit of freedom and grace. May we all walk in the light of truth, unburdened by the yokes of religious error, and step into the future with open hearts and minds.

As we continue this journey together, let us face these giants with courage, wisdom, and the power of unity. Stay tuned as we tackle the next giant on our list: Pride. Together, we can overcome.

## Pride.

Pride can often be seen as a towering fortress, seemingly impregnable, standing tall within the landscape of our hearts and society. It whispers to us of our own self-sufficiency, convincing us that we are the architects of our own destiny, that we don't need anyone else, not even the divine.

But here's the truth that pride conceals it isolates us, it blinds us to our need for others, and ultimately, it brings us low. The Scriptures are clear in their stance against pride. Proverbs 16:18 warns us, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Pride, in all its forms, is not merely an overinflated sense of self; it is a denial of our inherent need for connection, growth, and humility.

### The Illusion of Self-Sufficiency.

Pride tricks us into believing that we are complete within ourselves, that we have all the answers. It's a seductive thought, isn't it? The idea that we are untouchable, that we need not listen, learn, or change.

This illusion of self-sufficiency creates barriers between us and others, between us and the growth we could achieve. James 4:6 offers a powerful antidote to this mindset, reminding us, "God opposes the proud but shows favour to the humble."

As we confront the giant of Pride, let us seek the humility that opens doors, that listens, that grows. It's in humbling ourselves that we find true strength and grace.

### The Resistance to Growth.

One of the most insidious aspects of pride is its ability to stunt our growth. When we're convinced of our own superiority, we become unteachable, resistant to feedback, and blind to our own flaws.

We refuse the help that could lift us higher and close ourselves off to the possibilities of what we could become. This resistance to growth is a self-imposed prison, limiting us to the confines of our current capabilities and understanding.

In facing this giant, our prayer is for the grace to humble ourselves, to recognize the vastness of what we do not know, and to embrace the journey of becoming.

### Breaking Free from Pride's Grasp.

Our collective journey against Pride is one of constant vigilance and intentional action. It requires us to examine our hearts, to listen more than we speak, and to open ourselves to the transformative power of humility.

As we move forward, let us carry with us the prayer for grace to recognize and overcome our own pride. "Father, grant us the grace to humble ourselves before your mighty hand and the wisdom to minister to those blinded by their own pride."

Together, we can break free from Pride's grasp, opening our hearts to the richness of community, growth, and a deepened connection with the divine.

As we tackle each giant, let us remember that our strength lies not in isolation, but in our unity, our willingness to confront our own shadows, and in the light of truth that guides our way.

Stay tuned as we next address the giant of Apathy, exploring how we can reignite the passion and compassion that connects us all.

## Apathy.

In confronting the giant of Apathy, we're facing a silent adversary, one that creeps into our lives under the guise of contentment and stagnation. This giant thrives on our lack of passion, our disinterest in the world around us, and our indifference towards the needs of others.

It's a subtle yet pervasive force that numbs our hearts and dims our lights, preventing us from living out our true potential. But here's the transformative truth: compassion is the weapon that can shatter apathy.

As we read in 1 Peter 3:8, "Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous." Compassion ignites a fire within, driving us to action and awakening a deep, abiding passion for life and for those around us.

- **Ignite Compassion**:  Let us actively seek ways to understand and empathize with the struggles of others. In doing so, we not only dismantle our own apathy but also light the way for others to follow.

- **Cultivate Passion**:  Dive into causes, hobbies, or pursuits that stir your soul. Passion is contagious; by modelling a life enlivened by meaningful engagement, we can inspire those around us to break free from the chains of indifference.

- **Foster Connection**:  Reach out, build community, and share your journey. In a world where isolation feeds apathy, connection serves as the antidote, reminding us of our shared humanity and collective purpose.

In prayer, we ask for the opening of our hearts and the renewal of our minds, that we may see the world through eyes of compassion and be moved by its needs. May we recognize the profound impact of our actions, no matter how small, and understand that in the fight against apathy, every effort counts. Let us be vessels of change, channelling our passion into a force for good that reverberates throughout our communities and beyond.

As we continue to confront the giants in our path, let the battle against Apathy remind us of our capacity for compassion and our power to effect real change.

Through our united efforts, we can breathe life into the spaces darkened by indifference, lighting a path of hope, passion, and purpose for all to follow. Join us as we journey onwards, armed with the conviction that together, we can overcome.

## Compromise.

In our journey to combat the spiritual giants that loom over us, we encounter one that is both subtle and pervasive: Compromise. This giant doesn't barge in with a roar but whispers, encouraging us to bend our beliefs and blur the lines between right and wrong.

It's a seductive voice that promises ease and acceptance in exchange for our convictions. Yet, we must remember, Romans 12:2 calls us to a different path: "And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." It's a clarion call to resist the pressure to blend in and instead, stand firm in our faith, even when it sets us apart.

Compromise seeks to dilute our spiritual vigour by making us comfortable with "the way things are" in the world. It's a giant that has long arms, reaching into various aspects of our lives, suggesting that a little bending here and there won't hurt.

But here's the truth - every step we take towards compromise is a step away from our authentic self and our spiritual calling. We are reminded, historically, Protestants were termed non-conformists for a reason. They refused to bow to the prevailing religious traditions that strayed from the essence of their faith, choosing instead to stand for God's truth, even when it cost them dearly.

Here are three steps to stand strong against the giant of Compromise:

1. **Renew Your Mind Daily**:  Immerse yourself in the truth found in scripture. Let it be the compass that guides your decisions and actions.

2. **Embrace Non-Conformity**:  Wear your non-conformity as a badge of honour. Remember, being different for the right reasons is a testament to your commitment to your faith.

3. **Seek Divine Courage**:  Pray for the strength to stand firm even when you stand alone. The path less travelled is often the path to true spiritual integrity.

In confronting Compromise, let us seek the divine guidance and strength that empowers us to live out our convictions boldly and without wavering. Our prayer is that we all may be vessels of light, piercing through the darkness of conformity and compromise.

May we hold fast to what is true, honourable, and just, transforming not only ourselves but also the world around us through our unwavering commitment to what is right. Together, let's move forward, bolstered by the grace that equips us to defeat the giant of Compromise.

## Unbelief.

In the shadowy valleys of our journey, the giant of Unbelief often looms largest, whispering doubts and fears into the very heart of our existence. This formidable foe challenges the essence of our faith, casting a long shadow over the light of hope and conviction that guides us.

Unbelief questions the divine, the miraculous, and the power of belief that moves mountains. It seeks to anchor us in scepticism, robbing us of the joy and peace that faith brings.

Yet, the beauty of confronting Unbelief lies in the realisation that it is not the absence of doubt that defines our faith, but the presence of belief despite our doubts. It's about embracing the unknown, trusting in the unseen, and holding on to the promise of something greater than ourselves.

It's a journey from scepticism to trust, from questioning to understanding, and from doubt to deep, unwavering faith.

To overcome this giant, we must wield the sword of Truth, the shield of Faith, and the helmet of Salvation. We combat Unbelief not by denying our doubts but by acknowledging them and seeking the answers that lie beyond.

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) offers us a powerful reminder: "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." This verse invites us to step out of the shadows of Unbelief and into the light of trust and hope.

As we stand together, united in our quest to conquer these spiritual strongmen, let us hold fast to our faith, knowing that it is the bridge over the chasm of doubt. Let us encourage one another, share our stories of belief conquering unbelief, and fortify our collective spirit with the testimony of our individual journeys.

Let us pray for the courage to face our doubts, the strength to seek the truth, and the wisdom to understand that faith is a journey, not a destination. May we all find the grace to trust in what we cannot see, and in doing so, may we illuminate the path for others lost in the shadows of Unbelief.


As we draw this exploration to a close, it's evident that the giants of Religion, Pride, Apathy, Compromise, and Unbelief are formidable foes, each wielding their own influence over our society and spirits. Yet, in facing these giants together, we discover the immeasurable strength of unity, faith, and hope.

These battles are not fought alone, nor are they insurmountable. By embracing our shared humanity, leaning into our faith, and lifting each other up, we can overcome the darkness these giants cast over us.

Our journey through this spiritual battlefield has reminded us that, although these giants may tower over us, seeking to influence our lives through their ideologies, they are not invincible. With courage, wisdom, and the power of our collective spirit, we can confront and overcome these challenges. Let us carry forward the light of understanding, compassion, and faith, shining brightly in the face of adversity.

Together, we stand tall, united in our resolve to cast down these giants and step into a future filled with hope, freedom, and the boundless possibilities of a life lived in the fullness of faith. May our hearts be filled with the courage to face the giants, the wisdom to navigate the battles, and the strength to emerge victorious.

Thank you for joining us in this journey of discovery and empowerment. Together, we are stronger, and together, we can make a difference in our world.

## FAQ.

### Frequently Asked Questions.

**Q: What are the 5 giants we face in the U.K. that influence our society through ideologies? **

A: The five giants we're confronting are Religion, Pride, Apathy, Compromise, and Unbelief. Each of these represents a spiritual strongman with its own ideology that shapes our collective spirit and culture.

**Q: How does the giant of Religion influence us? **

A: The giant of Religion seeks to enchain us under the guise of piety, insisting on adherence to numerous rules and regulations for acceptance. Its influence can distort our understanding of spiritual connection, turning it into a burdensome checklist rather than a liberating relationship with the divine.

**Q: What is the core message of overcoming the giant of Religion? **

A: Overcoming the giant of Religion involves rejecting its chains and embracing a liberating relationship with the divine that's based on intimate, open-hearted communication. It's about realizing that we are accepted because of what Jesus did for us and that a life of freedom and authenticity awaits us outside the confines of rigid religious dogma.

**Q: Can you explain how to counteract the influence of these giants? **

A: Countering the influence of these giants involves a combination of personal introspection, community support, and spiritual guidance. It includes recognizing the distorted ideologies they propagate, seeking deeper truths, and fostering a culture of openness, unity, and courage. Practically, it can involve prayer, engaging in meaningful conversations, and taking actions that reflect our true values and beliefs.

**Q: Why is it important to confront these spiritual strongmen? **

A: Confronting these spiritual strongmen is crucial for personal growth and societal transformation. They hold back our individual and collective potential, keeping us in cycles of unfulfillment, division, and stagnation. By overcoming them, we open the door to a more authentic, united, and spiritually vibrant society.

**Q: How can I join in this journey of overcoming these giants? **

A: Joining the journey involves self-reflection, engaging with content that inspires and challenges you, participating in community discussions, and taking actionable steps towards personal and collective change. It's about being open to growth, seeking deeper connections, and contributing positively to the world around you.

By tackling these questions, we hope to provide clarity and inspire a sense of purpose in confronting the giants that stand before us. Together, we can navigate the complexities of our time and emerge stronger, more connected, and more spiritually fulfilled.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network