Media Dept. Vision

Media Department Vision.

  • Record.
  • Process.
  • Broadcast.
  • Follow up!

· Record

  • Mobile system for mission trips.
  • Fixed system for Churches.
  • Digital storage.
  • Organised.
  • Secure.
  • Available.
  • Ongoing Training.

· Process.

  • Video / Audio editing of recorded content.
  • Storage for converted output.
  • Ongoing Training.
  • Creation of new forms of content.

· Broadcast.

  • Automated streaming to various platforms.
  • Ongoing Training.
  • Facebook live.
  • YouTube live.
  • Website / app.

· Follow up.

  • Contact details.
  • Campaigns for Salvation / Discipleship / Membership.
  • Analysis of results for future developments.