The 5 p's

Evangelism (1)

The 5 main aspects of Evangelism training are: -

  • Pray
  • Prepare
  • Practice
  • Preach
  • Plan

(1) Pray

Pick up your SWORD - Pray and fast over 3 weeks for 3 people

(a) 2 Corinth 4:4 Lord I command the blinding spirits over ……………………………. to release their mind and that the light of the gospel of Christ would shine in their hearts.

(b) 1 Tim 2:4 Lord, you desire all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Let your will be done in …………………………………...and give them repentance.

(c) 2 Tim 2:25 Lord, give …………………… repentance to the acknowledging of the truth that ……………………… would come to their senses and escape the trap of the devil.

(d) Colos 4:3 Lord, open a door for our message to ……………………….. to proclaim the mystery of Christ.

(e) Ephes 6:19 Lord, grant me boldness to fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel when you allow me to speak to …………………………………………………


Great commission Matt 28:18-20

Tribulation in the world

Life is brief, no guarantee of tomorrow


General – people you don't know yet

Specific - people you know – Oikos, Write out your Oikos list


SWORD prayers


When are you going to pray?

How long for?

Who with?

General – When will you go seeking the lost?

Specific - When are you going to speak to the first group?

2. Prepare

SICKLE Testimony

2 Kingdoms Gospel

3. Practice

  • Your Testimony – 5-minute Testimony – 60 second Testimony
  • Gospel - 5 minute - with Tract - without Tract

Practice firstly on your own

Practice with other Christians/Family members

4. Preach

  • To people you don't know – How many?
  • To people you do know - How many?

5. Plan

Evangelism Times

Training Times: –

  • When are you going to meet with them again?
  • What are you going to train them in?
  • Where are you going to meet them?